Arming themsleves with the might and will of Death, war, Biblical and Anti-Christianity lyrics displays among thus Middle Eastern and Maedieval influences brought like plague into The Meads of Asphodel's Experimental Black Metal and Doomy sounds on their latest album - Sonderkommand which believed to have a related blasphemous background story about the Holocaust and the demolishing of European Jews. Different from their usual works but still carrying the best raw and brutal tempos with more progressive melodic metal and Folkish influence; you will dauntlessly realize that the horror is real and most of the lyrics are telling us the forbidden facts happened surrounding the myths and the fake history around this horrific events long time ago. Guarded by the loyalist Satanic members Metatron (vocals), Alan Davey (bass), J.D. Tait (guitars, keyboards, vocals) and Andre Kjelbergvik Thung (drums); the terror and sadistic malevolent tracks shall haunt your existence and minds through cruelty of Children of the Sunwheel Banner (in two parts), Lamenting Weaver of Horror and Wishing Well of Bones or the original theme form of Black Metal which inspired by the ancient Arabic traditionalist or the Crusade with Send My Love to Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz and Silent Ghosts of Babi Yar shall giving the old fans a nostalgic perspective about the band's thoughts since then. The horrible atmosphere or the chaotic sounds are these Black Metallers' signatured works that still belongs to be put on the rest of the best artistic Extreme Metal alliance lists til this minutes or endlessly longer like
The Mussulmans Wander Through The Infernal Whirling Fires Amongst Silent Shadows To Be Fed Into The Thirsting Jaws Of A Godless Death Machine To Cough Up Their Souls To The Nazi Moloch Who Sits Within A Ring Of Smoking Infant Skulls.
Hate Eternal from them to the West-fallen World.
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