He must be the one of the ultimate souls whom brought Red Hot Chilli Peppers alive when he still within that great band but then the drug addictions took over his consciousness twice and large numbers of replacements on his spot in RHCP leaving another stories of failure and shortened-living appearrances along the group's history. Now trying to make his own life a bit cleaner with the gripping a hold on faith and fate John Frusciante's will approved to be bigger than his ego and after several rehabilitation hours - this multi-talented guitarist and artists finally seeing his new life's light of creativity by releasing his album works since the last of ninety sevens but for this opportunity, we'll trying to listening to his ninth studio album - Curtains. Filled with charismatic Acoustic recording songs with deep Art-Rock influences and some Modern Theaterical Baroque seeds mix within his works of solo on this record really can curing the real fans of his unique guitar performance sounds back to his early famous days after being recruits by the Chilli Peppers from a bigfan to permanent member - before John giving it away to drugs addiction. Those stories might always be the main characteristic subjects for his lyrics like one that we can listen on The Past Recedes to Lever Pulled or The Real or A Name and Control with the help of his back-up friends in a live band - Omar Rodriguez-Lopez from The Mars Volta to drummer Carla Azar of Ednaswap and double bass plays by Ken Wild blending thus reminiscent softer sadness and reflecting lyrics to the harmony beliefs of Indie Art calmness form.
... These are better news from Frusciante's gloomy art cafe.
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