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Bau-Dachong Decline (Rough Trade 1982)


   Subversive and smart for their times; the Dublin's Gothic Rock quartet sooner or later shall be one of the influental but underrated legendary bands around - Virgin Prunes overtly proving that they're manage to combining the most cruel idealism into lyrics but at the same time building the solid mixing of both Punk, Goth, Glam and Traditional Ireland sounds with mostly terrific horror atmosphere already consumed by bigger and grown up fans of the band from neighbouring areas to recently remote ones from time to time since then. The releasing of If I Die, I Die album might be one of those inglorious bastards moment for these group for spreading their pessimistic aura like almost the perfect answer for The Cure as well as an addition to ignite the flaming blue fire upon cold foggy mountain of Goth Rock movements. The sacred and negativity based tracks like Sweethome Under White Clouds, Ballad Of The Man, Caucasian Walk and Ulakanakulot are supposed to be un-understandable in their mystical mysteries background stories which shall keep on haunting every single certain beliefs - which really believes that the devil or lurking evil is a real threat just like this performance made by Gucci (vocals), Mary D'Nellon (drums), Dik Evans (guitars), Gavin Friday (vocals) and Strongman (bass guitar). As the moment of lifeless last breath slipped in front of your beloved ones, you and the rest of the dead can either just rest in peace and crawling to heaven or wait in patience and have your sweet revenge among the living through a deadly music drops into a cup like poison ...


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