As the band members comprising for duet of
Ashi Dala and Spooki Tavi with (Auxilary Paladins) where there are names like
Shaki Tavi, Guitty Dryver or Chairman Towel and E-Z available for the
productive efforts making as the group kept generally, arranging music that
matters to them.
Taking the audience to the magical places just like when one
listening to the recording album of debut called – I Made This; a noises
confronting games of melodic and beats odds to normal naturally, sounding free
to decided its own direction. Pop-Rock and Electro-Indie delivers to you YKWYR,
Peachy Mermaid, The Family Flea, Country Club and Glass Sun – perfectly won’t
be spoiling the day and driving alone looking for some opportunity ahead with
hope in between the level of high or low …
I Made This:
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