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Geronimo Vs Buffalo Bill (Kognitif Self-Released 2015)


Not an average lazy Jazzy accessible and skillful belnding samples and beats are the main course for this Piotiers, France Hip-Hop abstracted Trip-Hop performer Cyril Capra a/k/a Kognitif meant to sharing freely to you. From his good expressive but never sounded boring album - Soul Food, truly this record might as well as the title said would be a brunch to every single hungry hearts out there searching for one damn music to make them relaxing these days until the path leads them to this album. A self-produced tracks of mixings shall inviteing you to do thus small dance or giving you courage to brace oneself to dance on the dancefloor for the first time like as a learner/apprentice miraculously. Infecting basslines and groovy beats on My Freedom Has No Price, That's Where It All Started or a celebration of saluting his own roots of music on Tribute To The Classics; like baby food with magic taste which can give one not only full stomach but all the fun and particularly peace of mind that has made Kognitif already infamous not by name but by music.

Go get it !!!


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