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Sharmon Palms Streetwise (Hellcat Records 2004)


   The second album from solo project of Lars Frederiksen for not being Rancid's second guitarist while having his own free-time rolling on going with his self-written materials but cannot went far away from Rancid sounds is right on Viking; another good solo album from him with his band The Bastards that adding more names on boards and on stage - this time consisting of Gordy Carbone, Big Jay Bastards, Craig Fairbaugh and Scott Abels with Tim Armstrong as addtional player, keeping the steaming up Punk and Hardcore tempos of Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards flaming on in general Pogo-driven and moshing action for Punkrockers, metallers and everyone else; mixing by Bret Gurewitz with more names from Skinhead Rob, Carl Wheller on piano and wurlitzer to Brett Reed or Chris Dugan on backing vocals gang. Everyone will be pleased to listening to Skins, Punx and Drunx, Fight, 1%, Switchblade within Lars' blend of Hardcore Punk or even the Rock n' rolla on Marie Marie (Shakin' Steven's cover) or Little Rude Girl with a huge reminder off any Rancid fans bow down and admiring this effort and least would comments that Lars still can do better without his superb Punkrock band after all.
   This Viking album itself must be a tribute celebration for Lars Mom's heritage with the story of how she moved to US brought young Lars from Denmark; must be reasonable now. Great Punk Rock album posing for the background music off any Street Punkers, Bikers, Metalheads or nerdies to launch their attacks on the faker society that used to hate them because they're different.

Fuck this and that, let's sing and start the band !!!


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