Must be one hell of a newcomer in mainstream community music presenting their fresh Reggae Pop fusion ruling over the radio charts from the band's homebase in Toronto, Canada - Magic! (the band) members and self-producer of the fenomenal single hits: Rude as well as their debut album Don't Kill The Magic consisting of the cool quartet of Ben Spivak (bass, backing vocals), Mark Pellizer (guitars, vocals), Nasri Tony Atweh (lead vocals, guitar) and Alex Tanas (drums, backing vocals) in sudden became kings for being chart-toppers in more than seven countries and capruting most hearts of teenagers or adult music lovers and fell over this band's Pop Power for cheering up the party of your life like a Happy Gilmore series all joyful events required kinds of awesome catchy tracks like Magic! songs from this simple album privately public just for you and your friends in friendship intimate moments with No Evil, Let Your Hair Down, Stupid Me and No Way Out on spreading the infectious youth energy and Reggae Fusion spirits to the world through viral or onlined web; making thier new momentum progress felt unpredictable otherwise really lucky just like the guy having his Prom Date on Sixteen Candles Movie.
So, if you really like them - you don't have to be so ...
Don't Kill The Magic:
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