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Livin' Apocalypso (Illegal Records 1982)


   The debut record from an American/English Goth-rockers which sounded more like a collision between the old hedonist biker gangs and the people living on a bordertown crossing the empty road onto the sunset through the barren desert; singing straight mean evilish Punk Rock mix with modern Goth and post-hard rock dilemmatic world of glam gutter music which isn't as confusions as the term or the ideal description for it. The crazy frontman Stiv Bators of Dead Boys teming up with The Damned's Brian James, Nick Turner (The Barracudas) and Dave Tregunna famously from Sham 69 playing the new form of music they always wanted actually and wrote their own songs like the Post-Punkcore anthemic on Portobello, the horror aspect only can be found on B-rated movies on Question Of Temperature, Eat Your Heart Out and Russian Roulette coming at you like a blood thirsty vampire pack ready to give a good bite on the neck. Every Goth Rock fans will definitely would love Lords of The New Church or at least, their attributes which looks like to revisioned the awakening of another Glam-Rock resurrection all over again after this light blown up from Stiv bators and the crew on this self-titled album ...

Lords of The New Church:

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