Coming with a cold New-Wave and Synthesizing the dark moody electronic and atomic like post apocalyptic disco music spawns by the gizmo inventions or just a brilliant sounds made by the project named Trevor Something giving you a fact on the album - Trevor Something Does Not Exist resurfacing from Miami, Florida like a suspence b-rated movie soundtrack with oozy smoothing vocals, delirious intense beats that going to give one an eerie feeling but on the same time chilling out moments while listening to this. You will love the spare sampling for good Goth-Dance anthem on Come Back Down which using the legendary sample off New Order's Blue Monday or the other choices for robotic dancing motions with Infatuation or Summer Love and In My System that carries mostly the hazy romance of love and fiasco, sexiness or electric dreams which cocconing the mysterious Trevor Something remains a mystery. Listening deeper through the vocalizations harmony, the naked basslines and the atmosphere of awkward condition where one or more people whose listening to this record would felt alienated and locking inside some kind of night city villain video games without an exit door. So, either you try to finding what lies under the tracks Stay, Enjoy the Silence or Chun Li's Revenge sounded weird even with the co-working partner like Lazerhawk shown its skill producing on So Far Away; you know that once you stepping into the imaginable world of Electronic Synthwave illusions it is clear that most can never turning back again to normal after being contaminated by it.
The next question should be - What is Real ?
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