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The Way I Like Generator (Deceptive 2000)


   The Menace might closing the rock career for this London based BritPop-Punk Elastica but the final album for Justine Frischmann (vocals, guitar, programming, toy keyboard and photography) as this female rock band leader with some of her co-founder members like guitarist Donna Matthews is long gone but helping as additional here same with the loyalist like Annie Holland (bass) or Justin Welch the male drummer as well as some additional musician names trying to saving Elastica’s second album with their help but too darn late. Recruiting new members like Sharon Mew on keyboards, programming and Paul Jones on lead guitar; on this record we might find that the group actually sounded experimental with plenty strange noises which you can’t never heard again on their previous and famous album.
   The total in-dependence of basically combinations of Garage Rock, Post-Punk and Alternative music delivering the retro feelings caught on our hearing sense but the main thing  that still works must be the well-known Elastica’s sexually arousing beats that luckily would put this album on a straight lists of “Music for making love to” which honestly didn’t lost it’s incredibility and signature with a hot kiss on the lips, the chest, the hips and somewhere down there right between the legs. Just listen to How He Wrote Elastica Man, Image Change and Your Arse My Place.

Hmmm …


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