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Tricifixion Emaculate Of Swine (Drakkar Productions 2005)


Sickening raw sounds mixing of brutality, occultism, anti-religion and blasphemy congegrated in one particular underground Black Metal music from the United States naming themselves - Grand Belial's Key whose completing their quest of hunting for lost souls as buried many of casulaties through the band's music campaign of anti-christian and anti-semitic as this troopers reaching the ultimate third album so far with the entitled of Kosherat. Iconical blasting absurd morbid tempos and related to the most of highly Satanism and its rituals conversion into the loud Heavy Metal Music into the more extreme ways; screamer vocalist Grimnir Wotansvolk, Gelal Necrosodomy (guitars, lyrics), Demonic (bass) to The Gulag (drums) never think twice for bursting their arrogance Black Metal anthemic tracks whether you might like it or not and torturing anyone the most whom trying to stop this Extreme Metal music from emerging to public and infected them with a fucking series of tracks from On A Mule Rides The Swindler, Son Of The Black Ram, Immaculate Latrine or Hobo Of Aramaic Tongues; keeping you cut your own throat or wrists for sacrificing oneself to the Prince of Darkness Himself on the altar of sin. As the newborn baby is born and sactifies by the higher prists and rabbi on an anciet times, so did Satan proclaiming himself to be born as the ruler of the world - a true King above another - as one. 


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