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No Warning Signs (Savage Prod. 2011)


   These powerful unit of Symphonic Metal with female vocals from Metz/Nancy, Lorraine must be the new ultimate perfect choice for any fanatic fans of this music genre; combining the walls of Melodic Metal with Gothic sounds and sharpening them into perfection using almost all the musical instruments within technical parade of both rhytmic and harmonies in a live Metal band as well as the main figure spotlighted beautiful dark-haired vocalist Geraldine "Jay" Gadaut fierce-fighting her beloved clean high range vocals with the bassist and vocalist Jean-Gabriel Bocciarelli and the heavy riffs and brute shredding from guitarist Jeremie Heyms or blaster-power play from drummer Nicolas "Harko" Adam and Flavien Morel carrying his highest order of performance or camouflage behind his keyboards set shall giving you the magnificant yet brilliant album releasing like this Start From Scratch recorded and produced by the band themselves - Benighted Soul.
   Whether the psychotic chaos session from the opening track - Broken Icons to the eleven minutes more of Progressive Metal rituals in Edge of Insanity and the straight hot-molten eruption of speed tempoing display through Wrong Reflection or Falling in Sin should probably sending its tsunami invisible waves over and over again onto your unguarded shore of hearings and make them deaf permanently. The infamous solos or the combinations of these maniac rockers must be a very good one, indeed as well as - connecting the Black Metal army all over the world and unites to spill more and more blood off the innocents blatant but also brilliant to listening and to learn more as a part of Underground Metal community.

Sexy, scary, say anything you like cause this unit is a bloodthirst full-length.

Start From Scratch:


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