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Word Change Machine Bar (Bandcamp 2010)


So, this must be how the sounds of inland New York music like and actually, the Rochester's Moderate Folk Rock group Attic Abasement whose formed as a quartet sticking to each other even when they're just foursome ordinary guys from not too famous area really trying harder to gain their dreams and spreading the stories of their own life's experiences or taken some of the inspirations from the favorite artists and some pure jokes made by ordinary friends surround them. Meet Mike Rheinheimer, Keith Parkins and Joe Parker sing their words of melodies through the coexisting harmonies of tones, stable idealism and good memories left in brain to shared. Guess what, these boring records after numerous incarnations and jam sessions; now you meet Dancing is Depressing album - a statement of showing yourself that you need to coming out from the shell and see the world outside sometime, so you will not going crazy and quietly stressed out and die. Follow these humble simplicity off the good, the bad and the worst cuts from the album - Opium Eyes, A Werewolf, Sorry about your dick to Australia which seem sounded just like a collective collaboration between Nick Cave with the rest of the Folk-Rock committee in Poppier sounds completed with the scream fights and silly stupendous comments recorded within songs.

Hello honesty, welcome back ...


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