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Late Night People Watching (Crywank Self-Released 2010)


Inspired by punk Rock but then lost its way in the process of growing up, the Manchester three piece band Crywank might not be an anonym of Cry-baby and Wanker but no one knows for sure about it or think of it anyway. Listening the self-reflected shining Punk morals wisdom made into self-written lyrics and spontaneous taken over the creativity soon after that as well as half of their ego's controlling the will of try to be famous while the other foot stepping back to the quiet evening alone recording session up the attic, seeing the city lights and most of the neighbouring county as your thoughts keep confusing because of too much thinking about the personal goals, quarreling of the world, homeworks, beautiful face and fake promises all in one; maybe recaptured as this living life essence for daily tomorrow right on the web of Crywank album James is Going to Die.
   Sad repertoir tracks with acoustic guitars and sore throat singer complaining about almost everything to nothing but will sounded honest just like You Won't Meet A Girl Sat In Your Room Listening To Music (But Some Songs Can Still Give You Butterflies), Hikikomori, Harvey Milk Shit On The Table or Thomas Saunders Gang Chant sharing our fear and favorite tales around weirdness by embracing soul spirits for creating the best D.I.Y things your every dreaming of among those cute miniature creature features owning the living room space in mono sound ...


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