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Last Earth Rebirth (Shinebox / Prosthetic Records 2011)


   The achievement of a cult status is underway as well as the band’s unique name becomes one of the most discussed topics between a cult-extreme lovers and Doom Rock fans for this Texan group remarkably overviewed as the resurrection of archaic sounds mezmerising the taste of deathly hollows or classic rock worshipper which contained inside their demented Folkish Doomed Rock crossing breed between acoustic troubadour and Alice in Chains darkest secrets on A God Like Inferno; remaining like the colder kiss of a dead lover to her fiancée in the quiet dark room, with tones of enriched instrumentations to comprehending the haunting lyrics or heavily chugging guitar melodies for the uprising of this cult band Ancient Vvisdom.
   The tracklists of dying person’s or the devastation screaming in sight; Far Beyond Good and Evil, Life on Earth ?, Never Live Again and Here is The Grave might quite eerie to swallow. Formed by the brothers Mike Jochum and Nate Jochum to haunts you their listeners by the crucified cursing mantra …

A Godlike Inferno:

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