may have starting it all as a quartet but soon becoming trio and it’s still
alright for them – the Dreamy Lo-Fi Pop Electronic group from Brooklyn, NY
which in consistency told the media that they’re influencing heavily by bands
like Pavement, Bee Gees and Stereolab to the soloist legends like Bjork, David
Bowie and Brian Wilson as the listening of your private hour with them could be
fantastic and delighted in enjoyable momentum. Meet Erika Forster
keyboards/vocals), Annie Hart (bass, keyboards, vocals) and Heather D’Angelo
(drum machine, keyboards, vocals) whom beautifully performing their awesome
Indie Synth-Pop music as Au Revoir Simone; in the enchanting marvelous sounds
and softer touches of Folk-Electro Hybrid talking about the changing of seasons
through the relationships and magical events happened with the helpful force of
Mother Nature bringing the peaceful resting images onto your standing spots and
the nearby relaxations through the crystal clear Pop artistic album of The Bird
of Music which chirping quiet nicely through I Couldn’t Sleep, A Violent yet
Flammable World or Don’t See the Sorrow and shall becoming your favorite
addiction for the further more Folk Rock and Electro-Pop addiction to your life
The Bird of Music:
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