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Psilocybin Fields (Sub Pop Records 1999)

   Harvesting the highest quality of both influences from Stoner Rock and Psychedelic Space Rock into their total sound blasts; these Los Angeles, CA’s trio will definitely rocking your afternoon hours or the desert driving without destination on the Summer’s nuclear heat of mid-day as the aftermath. Consisting of Eddie Glass (guitars, vocals, percussions), Ruben Romano (drums, vocals, sitar) and Mark Abshire on bass or audio generator recorded Nebula’s first full length album To The Center and having its thicker formula of Progressive, Psychedelic and Stoner Rock compilations that buzzing right and uptight. The molten lava harmonic shreds and riffage located somewhere in the middle of nowhere desert might echoing the turmoil and culminated headbanging guitar-music onto your brains before the savage Sun burnt fried it slow. We got the capacities of how Stoner Rock album should be made and thankfully to producer Jack Endino for keeps the spirits high on tracks like Whatcha Lookin’ For, Clearlight, Freedom, Antigone to So Low, Synthetic Dream and I Need Somebody with Mark Arm of Mudhoney lending his vocals on it.

To The Center:

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