Consisting of the new
names freshly from oven and created in Madrid – these Nox Inferna’s group got
much influences from Rob Zombie to The Sister of Mercy especially for the
sounds as Richy Nox (vocals), Peter Geltat (main guitar), Paul Richter (drums),
Tom Krueger (bass, programming) and Robert Muller (guitars, programming)
bursting their odd melodic combinations for Industrial Metal and Old School
Gothic Rock where the loudest meets the colder while flowing between
separations and tears of the quiet ones behind the mirror dwelling and slowly
consumed by the darkness death defying in self-made inner ideas for the
releasing ultimate from Nox Interna’s Spiritual Havoc record. The magic of
depressive artworks and forbidden lyrics collecting on thus presentations
wrapped within the hypnotizing effects but sometimes would also giving in the
faster tracks just for an intoxication variety like Tomorrow Never Knows or
Agua De Vida but the main reasons of this group to making “the different”
Goth-Rock influences for the loyal fanatic audiences of this sub-genre; Nox
Interna is keeping themselves as one of the carrier on Type O Negative legacies
through this front cover artworks and while you headbanging to their
performance – everything slipped already into a darker small holoe in the wall
sucking the energy out of you and anyone else.
Put these tracks aloud – Dead
Horses or El Cicio or Art of Chaos.
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