The moment you might needed to hear what if you had this moment when you can kidnapping Chris Cornell, Buzz Osborne and the rest of Queen of The Stone Age members and put them into a blender – the juicy liquid made-base of them would disturbingly tasting like Disastroid’s Stoner Rock buzz. Trippy praising, groovy moments and magnificent Hard Rock vocals delightedly presented on the band’s high-altitude level of debut non-marginalized album Money and Guilt.
The terror effects and odd tempos or the standard casual pounding effects for claiming their Desert Rock roots courageously would be remarkably listen on these eight self-written tracks that will reminding most of you again the first few months when Alternative Rock and Grunge first taking their throne of rock reclaiming once hitting your ear-drums.
For Happy Channel. Fallout, Eternal Home to Gamera and Sunshine – you might not only headbanging or growing your hair long like you used to be but this new group Disastroid might also forcing you to think about starting your own band and writing songs again right after the heavy session of listening minutes on this extended album – Money and Guilt.
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