Another day in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein and another good band showing up from that place brought to you their best efforts of mixing forms from Psychedelic Kraut Rock to Stoner Doomy Metal in existence under the unsacred simply name - Bone Man consisting of Dennis "Otzi" Oelze on drums, bass player Arne Doepper and guitarist Marian Klein buzzing around within their dreadful softened beats of echoing distortion left by Grunge team years ago to be collaborated to the closer sounds of the trancendalistic desert rock vagabonding travel music in fuzz as this band starting their journey into the unknown places or outer space. One can also enjoying the spiritual Bluesy and Hard Rock contained inside these tracks of basic manual Stoner Rock scenery made flesh by Bone Man through their album Shapeshifter including powerful songs like Bad Fashion, The Wicker Man, Supernova or Heliopolis as bonus track.
The true spirits from the Western world facing the modern problems today that driving most people mad and deranged but with this album; your day would be saved again, at least - half of it !
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