Born to be an artist, singer, activist for social movements throughout her entire musical career and life; Angela Maria DiFranco or known as the angry Folk-tivist Ani DiFranco - an American musician born in Buffalo, NY couragous enough to pushing herself forward in her try-out or even total jumps into finding the solutions over too many problems facing by worldwide mankind, US citizen and women nowadays tolerable through her self-written lyrics and music arrangements making dozens of labum records of her own solo actions over decades and still Ani would gladly forcing herself even futher more deeper to learning new things, going places or just communicate with others face to face or through her accomplished beautiful tough music. As for Little Plastic Castle; this eight album from Ms. DiFranco truly radiates a calmer side of her while her fingers moving from fret to frets slowly trying to figure out the essential simple standard of what every human would dreaming of without any pretenstion for money oriented or envy in their hearts - this record showing us the fine choices of those little dreams wished by children or even parents in simplicity based on Ani DiFranco woman's intuition and perspective. Feel the slow-Pop beats over Gravel and Pulse through Jazz Pop touches or the Alternative Indie choices of Loom, Deep Fish, Pixie and Swan Dive; seems to make you stop a while to wait and thinking it over like a wiser human whose trying to grab a glimpse of free peace and happiness without corporated insecurity like looking through a clear aquarium glass and see everything by your own eyes for the first time as well as the belonging of essential addition music making from several names here on this album besides Ani - Andrew Gilchrist (organ/piano), Jon Blondell (trumpet), Sara Lee (bass) or Jerry Marotta (drums) among others, adding more sounds onto this supposed to be acoustical performance recording from a lesbian singer ...
Ani DiFranco:
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