A collaboration from some Dirty Looks members with vocalist Henrik Ostergaard along the lining-up of this Hard Rock/Glam Metal super-band are drummer Ron Sutton, Mike Ondersek (guitars), Jassen Wilber (bass) and guitarist Paul Lidel and more changing name members sooner and after the band release of debutant self-titled record - Rumbledog. Having the sleazy, nasty Werewolf on tis front cover hitting on hottest chicks at the bar probably would describing how crazy induced but awesome and wilder materials that Rumbledog really has on their first recording. You shall jumping up and headbanging over mostly thus sleazuest tracks only Hanoi Rocks or early Motley Crue in comparison reflecting the glory days of Glam Metal era back in the early nineties completed with the distinctive vocals and lyrics, matching licks and solos to creating the air-guitar mayhem around the house as well as the standard ferocious tempo driving you right into the badlands of glamour rock mecca in speeding train; great underrated album that you might never had a chance to find out nowadays. Rumbledog giving their essential trademark of dangerous rock touch within the explosive amazing songs like the anthemic
Stone In My Eye, Doing Time, Last Call Sally and more sleazy moments you will never wanted to miss or alredy passing away in regrets - back when Rock Music is King and all the girls dressing up sexier than your stupid television reality show stars today, ready to painting the town red every night !
Aaaaooouuww !
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