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Way To The Sun Edge (Seven13 Records 2014)


   Amy Lee should be terrified if they’re knew during the band’s broken collapsing career inGoth Rock Music, there’s another bad news for them because finally, now they’ve met the real threatening opponent stronger, fresher and sounded well-damn rocking which almost having the similarity on the sense in music with the more Scandinavian rooted Symphonic Rock and Pop-influenced song-writings; the world should already aware for this Varberg, Halland’s newer rock act whom naming themselves We Are the Catalyst. These Swedish five-piece rockers with female fronted vocalist shall tearing down the wall of your harmony Goth Metal which has been infected by the sweeter taste of the blending within Pop, Heavy Metal and Modern Rock by the members of the band – the amazing singer Catrin Feymark, Joni Kaartinen (bass), Kristoffer Andersson on guitar, Kenny Boufadene (vocals, guitar, bass and drums) as well as drummer Hakan Strind celebrating the continuous life on the planet by forming the band several years ago to then, recorded and releasing their powerful debut album – Monuments. The best yet by far Modern Rock album after the millennium which unfortunately didn’t get much attentions from most of the Melodic Rock media and fans but it doesn’t stop the band from trying harder to keep carry on. Plenty should easily falling into a deeper love projectory once they’ve listening this album – radiates the burst effects of broken romance, betrayal, loneliness or courage through We Are The Catalyst’s repetoir tracklists highlighted here for public and the rest of the world without any age limits; Fight for Air, The Void, Under The Surface, Every Minute Every Day, Never Fall, On Your Knee to A Life A Lie as well as these thirteen songs might really becoming the powerful Pop Modern burst of Rock music over any names established before them. The band themselves should have more attention from the media as they’re slowly taken over the heavily new crown of Rock Heaven and ruling the scene one at the time as well. You need to listening to them because there’s no limited time for being late for another chance to rocking out after the hoax, after the closely near-death experience and after the downfall of legends …



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