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America Has Spoken (Sub Pop Records 2007)


   Sub Pop never exhausted for having brilliant ideas for being one of the independently excellent label as being labelled by the media since the awakening of Grunge hysteria and not only for music recording, they even releasing an album specifically not considerable as musical record as the Stand-Up comedy album from one of the most brilliant US actors and performers - Patton Oswalt's Werewolves And Lollipops (even) it cannot stop the Kennedys assasinations in his live show from Cap City Comedy Club in Texas in his freaking fun of inappropriate manners for making the audiences and anyone who mistakenly listening to this album big fat juicy laughs as he just can never stop for putting any daily example from The Miracle Of Childbirth, The Gatekeepers Of Coolness to Racist Cell Phones, At Midnight I Will Kill George Lucas With A Shovel  and I Tell A Story About Birth Control And Deal With A Retarded Heckler or Great Food Is Cooked By Psychos; where the sickest social taboos can perfectly, talked and shares with hundred of stranger audiences without being booed cause even after your sweet seventeen birthday, you still going to go to school tomorrow morning that's why everything is crap but worth for an hour of laughable situation made by good comedian in fucked up style, glasses and mouth full of shitty truth. Stop smoking will not giving you a kiss but legally, stole your rights to poisoning yourself or the spraying sperms inside someoen's vagina really can be such a problem nine months after the process plus more sexual activities for snacks. Just let yourself focus for a while and give Patton Oswalt a chance to exploring himself, yourself and the Stand-Up Comedy itself. Not presidents, public figures or even the pope and both Democrats or Republicans can runaway from this guy subjective pranks and stories as the audience will bow-down or bend over after him because he can talks whatever he wants to and the team works of production and an addition for cynicism and sarcastic might gone wrong to fighting each other like the Gulf War, Californian governor election or Lindsey Lohan's cupcakes or Courtney Love's heroin actions to Ben Affleck and how Paris Hilton making sex with a book - probably, getting awesome while Sizzler serving roadkills aren't a slapstick comedy form but spontaneous. So, whether you are Married & Single, fans of The Duke of Hazzard or Damien Omen or ever watching Cirque Du Soleil live; make sure you got this correctly, listenable and be careful not to knock your head to the wall while bursting in giant laughs.

   If you don't like it just go to bed, you cock-sucking weird ...  

Werewolves and Lollipops :                                  




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