Meet the molten lava heathen up Modern Hardcore with Hip Hop influences unit proudly introducing themselves from Wilkes-Barre, PA and there’s main reason why this band really should have more attentions from any HC-Scene moshers out there probably because their recording - Dedicated To Babies Who Came Feet First which proudly engineered by Biohazard guitarist Billy Graziadei might sounded egoistically sarcastic can relates the true meaning of loyality and dedications given in and taken out inside the legally granted and highly respected pure Hardcore scenery over the past few years. The totality path of mixing both Old School and New School stereotype sounds and more clever but odd samples skipping the gap for the record to be not taken seriously but also put the rest of hidden agenda to fight the injustice or the major problems re-solved in such a real quick and progressive way as possible because you can easily related every single raging songs on this album with how the condition in our reality world today raping the society and filled it with extreme prejudice, terror threats and one step closer for the massive Clash of The Civilization predicted soon to happen. The correctional messages from this album through harder tracks burstings like machine gun performing by vocalist Dan Mills, Alex Russin (guitar, vocals), Derek Scace (bass), Nick Woj (drums) and Haroun Khan (guitar) onto All The Things You Said You'd Never Tell, Roaches & Rats, The Games that People play and Liars Thieves can turn you on easily to breaking the silence by joining the rally mob protesters on the streets or perhaps, just took an extreme act by plotting the mass-murdering scheme using telescope and a rifle.
Dedicated To
Babies Who Came Feet First:
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