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Swinging Man Decide (SST Records 1984)


The imperfect turn made for tuning down the Hardcore Punk system out of the Redondo Beach's legendary group Black Flag as the result of experimenting themselves to the more Sabbath riffage mix with still sarcasm protesting lyrics about the world changes so fast around the band's realm on their second effort album - My War just like a small try-out for punching Adolf Hitler in the face and keeping the moshpit warmer in continuity through this one. Led respectively still by frontman Henry Rollins with Greg Ginn handling both guitars and bass for recording session and the fastest talented drummer around LA's Punk Hardcore scene Bill Stevenson; putting th edgy unmerciful blending of HC with Sludgy Metal tinged to Black Flag's Heavy Metal roots which blasting the quite slower and doomy record ever created by these Punkrockers in their entire career and considerable as one of their great album without too much fast tempos and inserting more metallic solos and melodies on this blue covered album. Any fans of Black Flag going to be so confused the first time they're listening to this record but later after an explanatory about why and how the influences of another Doom Metal (fellow recording group on the same label) St. Vitus contaminates Mr Rollins and his Hardcore-poratives to doing My War; the world would soon realized the corelation between them and the spawning of My War. The terrorizing atmosphere still bursting higher erupts the blitzkrieg methodical tracks of panzerfaust explosion in slower motion through Beat My Head Against The Wall, Nithing Left Inside and Scream. The infamous licks of Doomy Rock exploration finally reach the border of Hardcore Punk in the midst of eighties after this gruding record hits the music shop and the underground level community like a blast !


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