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Heavy Water Pill (Self-Released 2009)


   Lick and taste the almost perfect blends of structure a form figure of Extreme Metal music performance with some minutes of chaotic to sums of brutal to the next chapter tasks for pretty beautiful in disguises on extremity. Ashes of Erin is the Metal core band from Phoenix, Arizona and their female frontwoman Jenna; really didn’t trying to copy any of thus superstar singers from the same or different genres as her vocals sounded heavier, angry and not mushy involving her into the regarded duty as hot female growler with couple of her male bandmates – Drew (bass, vocals), Andy the drummer, Chhi Chi and Bryan (guitars) releasing This Somber Eve that brought the firing tempos and explosive features but difficult not to identify but categorized. Soaring throat of femme screamo vocals shall intimidating you real quick and the brutal tempos inviting anyone who die for Metal to headbanging hard following this dready-caustic of Metal Core soda claiming their spots in the rebellious clan of sub-culture community throwing punches within these tracks – Abnormal Drifter, Dead Fish or Distorted Revelation and Kiss of Death; symbolizing lost messages for the last century.

This Somber Eve:!6tFtKpkd/ashes-of-erin-this-somber-eve-2009-rar

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