Took their time to reannouncing the christianity chosen themes for their Death Metal lyrics and music which is a little bit seems to be sounded weird at first but once you already having the album from Broken Flesh - entitled Warbound; things would be much more relieving for you to know that this lot ain't preaching, only telling the catalysis of the world using either the christian biblical views or more secular ways about the doomsday, apocalypse and the forun horsemen or the demon himself. Oklahoma City's home of the Thunders own local Death Metallers Broken Flesh which consisting of drummer Brandon Lopez, vocalist Jacob Mathes, Kevin Tubby the maniac shredder and bass player/ vocals Joshua Mathes forming this abominable crushers that carried their total devastation and blasphemous sounds into the highest of the lowest level which means for a Death Metal band - a greatest limit for compliments from its fanatic fans and listeners with more two thumbs-up from the Extreme Metal magazines, of course. Broken Flesh coming in blasts, showing you things that really actual and possible to be happened not far from the near future when the tiem is come for us all to be destroyed as being started with our extinction several years ahead described there on the front cover as a white wizard like Gandalf riding the horse as he wanders crossing the demolished worlds.
Now you know that this record is not recommended for the fainted hearts fuckheads and the less-moronic smart-asses living in their established crystal castles. This album is for the lowlifers, the maggot colony, the destructive poor and one can definitely headbanging within this album until their heads exploded following the brutality and the ferocious grinding sounds from Scorned, Demon Seed, 15:55 to Once Dead. Hmmm, are we sure that these Extreme Metal Madmen truly not a christian band or is it a brutal Death Metal christians ?
Yes or no, the album itself can Kill Me Now !
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