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Cult Of The Cloth (Pagan Records 2012)

Growler guttural vocals, the standard mid-tempo crushing Death Metal tempo and crazy riffage and solos like the world starting to crumble into pieces as the ocean wide cracked open and the sign of the second coming of Anti-Christianity with blasphemy chords and killer lyrics proclaiming the celebration of destructions made from the depth of the sea-bed blasting the surface and mankind shall once again meet their doom, only few minutes more before the final devastation comes with their pathetic life lies on the edge of a sharp knife. From Warsaw, Poland where the trust over religious living are slowly reduced but the higher interests for more realistic ways such as technology, Satanism or Death Metal music quickly replacing the old unsatisfactory feelings of the most younger people in that capital city of Poland; some of thus new thinker with different perspective would be this trio of Gortal – the Death Metal group consisting of three metalheads musicians: Desecrate (drums), Chryste (guitar, vocals) and Major (guitars, vocals) blasting their horrific images for only serving and loyal to Death Metal rituals and the following explosive aggressions carried out by this kind of sub-genre of Heavy Metal underground with controversial extremity cracking the surroundings as your room will be terribly shaken within the force of earthquake waves coming by the force of Gortal’s totality sounds for general destructions after the enthroned man-made gods and the reigning eternal of the Devil himself on this weak blue planet. Every single fanatic fans shall bow down under the blasting terror of killer tracks recorded here on this Daemonolith album like Crimens Sollicitationis, Supernal Refuse, Deliver Into Suffering or Doombringer and I Come in Peace. You might going to grab this album and regaining your Death Metal collections and faith to the true beliefs of loudest noises and thank the atan later. Aggressive music for healty strong ears not for the pussies !


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