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Deathstarfish Gooeyverse (Bandcamp 2014)


   Consisting of the quartet - Mark Rivas (drums), Joey Virrueta (guitars), Jakob Sprinkle (bass) and Andrew Virrueta (vocals, guitar) whose having their ability to destroying your face, ears and ass on the same time by exploding the main catalystic forms of Technical Death Metal mixed with Mathcore problems earning themselves as being the real infamous Vampire Squid and sooner becoming the fearful underground acts above the scene hailed from Corona, CA transforming the band into a zoocryptic creature terrorizing the ocean vast - consuming every living things crossing its path. Most of the deep ocean terror themes telling the unseen stories happening there behind the darkness curtains of non-acknowledgement of men whom afraid to explore this parts of liquid territory of our planet. Led by the infamous Virrueta Brothers blasting the explosive Alliance Proposal to the Squids from Saturn, Big Fang Theory, Xenocephalopod to Black Ink Hole much lately could really be an interesting new topics of the exploration deeper into thus unknown alienated world under the blue water where pressure can drops in seconds becoming more than a powerful god while the extreme giant creatures patroling their territory as showing who's on top of the food chain over there and you shall cannot resisting your own fear for being assures that mankind stays on the bottom of the list and the mission can be a terrible failure at any time for fatal decision listening to Nautilus World.
   Technical Death Metal sounded truly as dangerous as the hungry jaws of the blood-thirsty Vampire Squid or something else with the unsatisfied predatory killer instinct that you never wanted to face up down there alone. The music creatively turning the tide of ordinary Extreme Metal music into something Progressive and artistic to threatening anyone dare to dive deeper to an end of the limits through the bottomless pit abyss and didn't know what's waiting for us. Brace yourself or just cut it out and run before decided to grab this album and drown yourself into the dangerous mission wit (perhaps) no turning back point.

Nautilus World:

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