The desolated devourment of devastation as the glorification of human’s crap keeps going as well the headbanger inside the Shit-Pit covering everyone with thus very disgusting smells while doing the listening, party crazy fucking their partners harder and eating boistureously like a pig or an animal. Gutalax is kind of a band that didn’t care about their fans alot while playing Grindcore but if they’re not performing they would throwing feces at eachother; Kebab (bass), Mr. Free (drums), Kohy (guitars), Kojas (guitars ) and lead vocalist which actually didin’t really growling but copying the natural sound of male frog hunting for females under the total darkness over moonlight. The combinations between the silent screaming, the grinding live music and the most important band coming from the Republic of Czech where on some remote place in that country, snuff movie companions always having their basecamp or resting nest which practice the making of that sick films which cannot be called art as well as the kidnapping of foreigner tourists for experiments ritual victims. Gutalax endorsing their feces or your feces as a very powerful thing in this life that’s frequently choosing psychotic people to be the band’s loyal fanatic fans for live. Dare to grinding your guts with the shit-porn lyrics or most invaluable feelings that you never can hold for a long time, open your mouth and swallow – the mighty feces from someone’s anal still crispy and warmth to be consumed or mixes with other home-cooking food ...
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