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Leech Waveform (Self-Released 2010)

Lower down under below the cruel horizon as the night emerges to conquer the living bathing with unknown starlights and mystic atmosphere like entrapments for mankind weaken enough not to have their consciousness that their existence is might be at risks today is kind of feelings that you would easily had once you've listening to this Sydney, NSW's Doomsters band Adrift For Days. The Sludgy Doom Metal troops consisting of five piece metalheads: Mick Kaslik (vocals), Ron Prince (guitars), Lachlan Doomsdale (guitars), Steve Kachoyan (drums) and Matt Williams (bass) written and releasing their debut album - The Lunar Maria with seven solid tracks in a very loud blast end riffs and not suitable for vulnerable people to be their audiences cause most of the songs are dealing with emptiness, depression and sorrow of life endings, collapsing faith or crumble of hopes like nudely showing by Messages Through Sleep, Along The Moon River, Waxing/Waning and Bury All That's Chosen that sharing the negations for suicidal thoughts, bad dreams, visions and temporary self-destruct relfections as well as the ritual for praising Holy Mother Moon. Adrift For Days comes like a cold wind of the night slowly possessing their listeners with the balance of hard and softer combination sounds that definitely would be considered as a calm killer in Doomy perspective which means not a good example for your unstable family members had as gifts.

   Danger lurking when night time comes ...

The Lunar Maria:

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