Experiments of horror and Deathcore music will expanding the hatred and chaos within the inner circle of the stormy eyes made bigger and dangerous through the essential hallowed sorrow thoughts and mind-crime evil ideas collectively created by the trio from Bay Area, California baptizing themselves as Rings of Saturn consisting of Ian Bearer on vocals, Lucas Mann on guitars, bass and vocals to Joel Omans on guitars with their additional drummer Aaron Kitcher as well as the guest solo performance by Rusty Cooley making this Progressive Extreme Metal which seems like to combining more than just one genre to cross-overs in between includes Death Metal, Power Metal, Grindcore to Post-Melodic Gore and Heavy Thrash in general tightly would cut off your head in a slight seconds if you didn't be fucking careful to headbanging on following this album of madness. Lugal Ki En recording is a masterpiece heavy Metal Extreme release which based itself on the manifest of god-like representation from The Sumerian civilizations which means in translation as King of The Earthlings - Lords of The Cosmic World; having the cultural cross-hybrid not only the themes and lyrics but also the front cover artwork made scary-well by Mark Cooper. The devastation images leads the mortals to bow down under the real gods or ruler conquering this smaller realm world on the Milk Way galaxy claimed by the Sumerian Gods for billion years ago before homo sapiens exist and the earth an infant. The terror grinding actions via heavy brutal riffs and non-compromising growler vocals destructing everything around like a bad effects after a machine guns caliber had been used to kill the enemies surrounding your locations; the Sci-fi metallic sounds that being performed to make the neighboring galaxies unstable and the asteroid paths shall changing course from afar to a straight line projectory through Planet Earth as the plan for cleansing of it's inhabitants and remake-over everything again for the good balance on the cosmic. You can captured the Avant-Garde touch or any Progressive Rock slightly inside the thick distorted blast of Extreme Metal from Rings of Saturn on Lugal Ki En as the tracks of molten lava shall burns us all instantly, like plastic - giving you the images of the end of days results on the confusing Prog-Metal sessions on Lalassu Xul, Desolate Paradise, Sensless Massacre and The Heavens have Fallen.
Catastrophic news for humanity !
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