Londoners Progressive Rock
unit which cannot be more brilliant for just reconsidering for copied the
essence influences off the Prog-legends like Yes or Pink Floyd but Citizen Cain
had their own times and era where Prog-Rock didn’t quite catching too much
attentions during the beginning of the nineties as Alternative Music struck the
nerves of most audiences to finding fresher sounds and simplicity but (again)
still – these UK Prog-Rockers with the line-up of Cyrus busy doing the vocals
and flute while others like Andy Gilmour handling bass as well as guitarist
Alistair MacGregor and Nick Arkless guarding the rhythms section with his
variety drum beats. Releasing the band’s second full recording – Somewhere But
Yesterday sounded like a nostalgic sessions with only quite few tracks on it
and many sub-titles of a golden path like concept which systematically
providing the imaginable spaces for the fanatic listeners who loved Prog-Rock
originalities. From Jonny had Another Face or (Parallel Lines) to (Beyond The
Boundaries) or more aesthetic figures of solid progressions of sound on (I)
Owls, (III) The Ballad of Creepy John and (The Mother’s Shroud) might be giving
a non-actual themes and complicated kinds of musical arts to shared but this is
the presentation from the leaking tubes of Prog-Rock scene that rare at the
moment of the awakening on new class of music and the comeback of Punk Rock
leaving Citizen Cain to playing on their own imagination places where the
creatures are strange and the landscape looks magical but unfortunately, the
world seems didn’t like them much at that certain hours.
Somewhere But Yesterday:
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