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Chicken Wire Regrets (Not On Label 1996)


   Starring Chris Farley and David Spade with some names like Tim Matheson and Gary Busey is the comedy movie from the ninety-six era called Black Sheep - the super fun story dealing with the issue of an electoral campaign between two candidates trying to win the Washington's governor. Mike Donnelly and his assistance Steve Dodds working to spreading flyers and newsletters to win Mike's older brother Senator Al Donnelly against the incumbent Evelyn Tracy by going to the outskirt in a rural of Garfield County. Several shitty things happened during those two advertisement supporters Mike and Steve tried to convince the citizen there to vote for his big brother because he's clean, having visions with good, honest hardworking political manners, bla bla bla and such but ended up messy because actually Mike is a loud-mouth guy with no interest in whatsoever surrounding him expect making more mess and boisterous behaviors in life. Tim got convince by his wicked manager to used his little brother to make more vote for him but actually, a horseshit idea to let Tim to lose the election. The soundtrack of various funny moments captured on Black Sheep Soundtrack and Music Score also sounded so "Alternative Rocking" with several good old songs and other type of music stumbles during the movie like where Mike and Steve the dummy hard-working assistance must fighting bats that going inside their cabin or the fallen gigantic rock destroying it or when they have to cross-country for putting advertisements on trees and fell into from the high ravine as well as the hillarious meeting with the crazy war veteran living inside the woods Drake Sabitch are everything but superb comedy in bad situation turning good in the end as Tim finally wins the election. We got Mudhoney performing Poisoned Water poisons The Mind to The Toadies' Backslider or the more Punkish themes like Get A Job by Hog or Punk by Rusty. You will also going to hear LaBelle or The Blue Hawaiians songs and the hallucinated anthem when Mike getting high inside a Reggae band dressing room backed by sarcastic group Butthole Surfers' Lord is a Monkey. The ending went after Mike going to cleaning up his name and his brother's too after the incinerated of a nursing house on the edge of town allegedly setting up Mike as the guilty parties on the incumbent governor's garden party and successfully drop the veil of an evil plan to rob Tim's winning off by his rivals in the most awkward moment. You will enjoying this movie as the intricate web of deceit and the comedy are fully shown here by the director Penelope Shepeeris as the music score and soundtrack coordinator composed and compiled by William Ross.

One of the funniest works with Chris Farley and David Spade on it - you'll laugh your ass off hard !

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