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Chickfactor Rollercoaster (Jeepster Recordings 1998)


   Inspired by Cecile Aubry novel and how the gloomy days for the closing borderline between Autumn and Winter coming; as the flowers burnt dry, leaves changing their colors and the cold weather camouflages for not raining snows yet. Belle & Sebastian is the Glasgow's Indie-Pop Rock releasing their thrid studio album - The Boy with The Arab Strap presenting the low-tuned electronic noise melody and more Chamber music influenced through this album; completed with tons of personnel from Stuart Murdoch the leader, Isobel Campbell on cello, Chris Geddes on keyboards to Stevie Jackson the guitarist and Sarah Martin on violin - mixing the lively band Pop arrangements with lovely strings and even trumpet onto the band's rich sounds for this one.
   You shall be a little bit amazed to capturing the atmosphere events happening on the rest of the track lists made for special end year occasions like It Could Have Been a Brilliant Career, A Summer Wasting, Dirty Dream Number Two and Sleep The Clock Around; pushing you to rest the last days before going into the long suspended animation ...

The Boy with The Arab Strap:  

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