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Con Dem Nation (Black Cloud Records 2013)


   Within the separated ways between factions, countries suspecting other countries and even family being dragged into the war of prejudice and hatred infecting the worldwide building the wall between the haves and the crippled and the police brutality becoming assets just like fossil-based oil sources and the non-renewed minerals and deforestation green planet are making Bri Doom, Tony “Stick” Dickens, Scoot and Denis in wrath and will showing you the reality of a Corrupt Fucking System album releasing by this Birmingham’s Hardcore Punk Crusty forms of Doom since the late eighties to now.
   Excessive and brutal with the aggressive lesser-toned down speed of Human Meat, Eat Shit and Buy, Thatchercide and so many more to offers as the soundtrack fits for burning our modern fake world to the ground caused nothing can be fixed because only the products which having profits that supposed to selling out in trillions - are the most priceless one. 

   The period that shall be remembered by everyone as the last days of our beloved civilization will come and Doom might showing the examples to kick our ass away to the cauldron of extinctions !

Corrupt Fucking System:

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