Beautiful long-legged bass guitar player
Paz Lenchantin whom being associated with various names of performers from
Jarboe to A Perfect Circle, Pixies to Zwan and Queens of The Stone Age was born
in Mar del Platta, Argentina before moving out to the states as
multi-instrumentalist musician playing as additional or band members in a quite
short times career. The chance happened when Paz decided to recording her own
debut solo album - Yellow My Skycaptain
which recorded by herself with plenty ideas, musical instruments, mayonnaise
and sour oranges enough to describing her intentions doing this and the result
isn’t bad at all with also Ryeland Allison (drums) and Luciano Lenchantin on guitars.
The collective Indie-music and Shoegaze and softer whispers
or vocals really sounded eerie as it’ll tearing some listeners apart if they
knew how far and rocky Paz Lenchantin’s life already set-sails. Acoustical and
calmly quiet; songs like Dusty Dolls or Lil’ Tree and U perhaps, really
dedicated to Anna and Devo for the inspirations, the good old times and the
unforgettable memories.
As she’s whispering with her voice and the bass-lines as her trusted company ...
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