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Lieology Open Up ! (Self-Released 2014)


   Blow up your stereo system as one got the album from Good Girl Maggie - the Cieszyn, Silesian of Poland Heavy Metal band fronted by Gozia Gowadz and keyboardist Martha Sliz (also on vocals) and the rest of the band cranking the atmosphere with their high-electrifying Alternative Metal which can be compared to the likes of Korn or Evanescence with harder edgy penetration of heavy guitar riffs performance to the idolized anthems through the tracks from the group's self-titled album. Good Girl Maggie seems to taken the opportunity from the lack gap left behind by the master of Nu-Metal scene and Amy Lee broken career to making the moment to themselves to conquer with the sensual touches of romantic licks and harder beats on the solid ground capturing attentions of fans and more audiences to trying their music. Good Girl Maggie is the album which mixing the great applications of what you should calling as the corporate rock but adding more Goth's symphonies onto it and shares the brilliant works through the magnetizing tracks such as Lost in Myself, All My Hate, What i Want and Silence; left just a few critics and gaining more thumbs up for this good recording with a bittersweet background as their story-teller.

Good Girl Maggie:

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