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Shadows Soldier Visionary (Titan Music & Entertainment 2014)


   Caught your attentions since the first releasing album and the second one; Brittany Paige a/k/a Kobra Paige the frontwoman with the vocals ability above the average metallic level has brought her crews of Kobra and The Lotus flying higher than they've ever expected and these Alberta's Heavy Metal group already come crushing with their latest effort High Priestess that carrying the best elements which needed by Metal Music to keep motorizing on its engine harder.
   Demolishing riffs to beats and great melody licks still covering the band's themes of fantasy, war and witchcraft's influences giving you the best Heavy Rock music and the mystical essence tight in hard-rocking tracks written by the band besides Ms. Paige there are Jasio Kulakowski on guitars and Brad Kennedy on bass; twisting the harder edges of their rooted Heavy Metal mixed with Hard Rock to the better level possible as the album itself taste richer and focus deeper into the darker side but within the mainstream sounds as well. High Priestess highlights most of the standard tempos of Hard Music with Speedy Rock injections as the the female vocalist screams louder than Sebastian Bach of Skid Row and the blasting sounds shall slapping your dummy face up.
   Let them leads you into the crushing moments of destruction through Warhorse, I Am I Am, Heartbeat and Battle of Wrath as you realized that Kobra Paige might becoming the next Doro or Dio cause she's already made the whole Metal msuic world proud as expected !

High Priestess:

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