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Ud-Nun (Relapse Records 2016)

Virtual insanity recaptured over the blatant mixes of terror and deconstructive beats leading the madness out like gigantic explosive the moment an asteroid as large as Everest hitting Planet Earth in couple seconds within the expectation of a worldwide catastrophe like a chain reaction explosive multiple disasters in combines will really happening in your face as the oblivion comes too soon and unpredictable like usual. 
Finding the last breath of no hope as the collision hits the Earth’s crust shaking everything especially your faith and fate as the background of horrible soundtracks giving extreme hymns for the massive lost souls caught in thermal fire-winds or monstrous Tsunamis while Gutter, Plateau, Prey, Third Season or Bastard Son cranking louder leaving the howls or the cry for help behind because only a few will definitely can saving themselves after the cataclysm struck the heart of our fear where the worst nightmare becomes reality. 

Ezekiel’s Hags is the proof of how these Los Angeles’ Sludge-Metalheads: Seven Sisters of Sleep consisting of drummer Brian Thomas, Eddie Bermudez or Brock lmore (guitars), Tim McClary (vocals) and bassist Chip Blake brought to you the essential visionary for devastating planet within this prophecy through Sludgy doomed tempo, crushing beats and debris-proven of mankind’s diminish.

Ezekiel's Hags:

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