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Maddy Ferguson (Self-Released 2014)

   Mixed races musician that loves Rock Horror in Punkish ways fanatic closer countable to Halloween must be the worse signs for your neighborhood to not celebrating that cursed days and praying more to god for helping your children saved from thus serial killers, ugly hell creatures or even pedophiles horde and many bad lucks rising towards the excessive mid-tempo songs anthem bursts from this three Punk-Rock influenced heads from Stratford, Connecticut comprising for Rob Harms Belmont – vocals/guitars, Michael Van Buren on bass and backing vocals onto Tommy Tran the drummer/gang vocals with guests vocalist/pianist Ashley Ball joining the bloodsucking and deader crew of The Theatre Zombies on this releasing In Early Mourning album and numbered those horror hard Rock and Pop-Punk tunes gripping the secondary kids realm under the scary or creepy Stitch Me Together based on the Frankenstein monster, Riding in Circles touching the witch-crafting moments off the broomsticks; Belfry Reveries onto Under The Boardwalk or even Dormant Souls as well as Dear Christine misses those glorified moments of the old films and classic ghost stories in your early childhood that definitely scares the entire world of believers and enemies of the churches.

Some might calling catchy but others really felt dangerous to approach. 

In Early Mourning:

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