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August Twelve (Night Time Stories Ltd. 2015)


   Splendid morning coffee and the fresh air of your rural area emerging fast and the fireplace from last night still smokey as you grab your girlfriend tight on the porch. half-naked as you kissing her gently and whispering meaningless words to her ears as she seems didn't care would be kinds of effects coming in seconds for listening too much exhibition sounds from these Texas trio group Kruangbin consisting of Mark Speer on guitars, Laura Lee the sexy bass player and Donald "DH" Johnson their black drummer; taken their roots off Psychedelic sounds, Tarantino's plaything movie soundtrack and Muangthai's Funk to the 60's Surf-Rock and Bluesy Music by general with no vocals added - just music, pure music ! Lending their ability and talents on sell through The Universe Smiles Upon You - a shining colorful taste of world music and everything's sensual shall compromising anyone whom listens, giving the expanding long-hauled hour to go back in bed and making love as your girl moaning hard, you got sweaty a lot and after the finishing on the G-Spot; both of you shall smoking pot and sing these loud - the tracks of mature intimacy experiences like Two Fish and An Elephant, White Gloves, Little Joe & Mary or The Man Who Took My Sunglasses.

Can you feel that Kruangbin's grooves are taking over, baby ?


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