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Freedom To 5 (Siva Addiction 2012)


   Ever made Bad Decisions ? One might not easily regretting how thus shitty things happened the first place and the effects that follows the rest of the new beginning of what some might calls as "eternal curse" but be afraid not - because with the awesome rocking vocals of our sexy lead singer Bridgette Oliver, Andy Hopkins (guitars), Jesse Slone (bass), Brandon Fields (drums) and Vince Lindstrom (rhythm guitar, backing vocals) of the Oklahoma City's Hard Rock unit - Siva Addiction; everything's freaking possible even for amends or recovery.
The good Modern Rock sense and roaring riffs with catchy Pop-Metal must be their weapon to attracting more audiences through out this recording release of Bad Decisions which sounded like Hinder band being fronted by one of the last female finalists from American Idols on the positive ways; where you might forgetting that this group isn't that famous the first time but after cranking the music - things easily forgotten fast and you might finding yourself headbanging on your room following the rocking beats !
   Siva Addiction truly should have their success cause the way these Rock band creating their sounds and songs really needs a good recognition from the entire media not because they could be the next hype thing but foremost - because the band really got talent.

Listening and never regret them - One Night Rodeo, Gone Away, More Than A Memory to Take Me Home (and) tell yourself that you're lucky for spending time on finest record like this one !


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