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Deadstuff Friend Zone (Bandcamp 2012)


   Being the headline news for several months in sudden as well as the rebirth of Pussy Riot - a Russian Punk band with all-female members also flicking the awakening of new feminist form movements with more extreme sarcasm and nudity displaying around the globe in Femen organization. Because of the political protests and swearing harsh lyrics openly towards the government; the Russian decided to put the Pussy Riot onto jail without proper court-process just for a very short time as the worldwide protesting and hacker activities attacking the Red Bear country from everywhere demanding Pussy Riot girls to be free again. Connected to that issue, these Australian Punk community also decided to make a stand for supporting the rebel-struggles of Pussy Riot and recording this compilation album called V.A My Pussy Riot - relentlessly, within the twenty full tracks of the Russian Pussies' cover-songs sending their messages in Punk-Rock rhymes and beats that providing spirits and energy to continues the fight for freedom.    We can listening to various bands or musicians right here made of Australia screaming and tearing their heart and souls completely for supporting the release of Pussy Riot and anyone in general whom having the similar cases or being jailed somewhere for not giving up trying or die; the underground protest-song of Punk Prayer by Pussy Riot followed by Damn Terran's Rebel, Regurgitator with Uncontactable, Bloods did All The Things You Say Are Wrong, Fait Accompli's This is Not The End or Dune Rats cranking the air through Fuck It really sending us the right characterized of the modern day struggling that contains inside the most intense rock songs or deep in the guts of those whom dare to fight the system which is already numb and dumber but keeps on protectively preserved for making other people's live in misery. So, when those irrelevant and inappropriate laws of ordering rules made by the powerful few and secrecy leaders still conquering the globe there's always be a fight somehow, somewhere by someone.

Nothing can stop Punk-Rock explodes !

A Free Punk Rock Music Compilation From Australia:

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