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FATEality Sore (Bandcamp 2015)

   There’s no real genre to describing about how deep Kxngs music really sounded alike but if you trying to listen harder enough then one might subscribes the strong current flows of mixing between Meth-Hip Hop and Gangsta Ambient to another branches of Dub blending with Rap formats which is totally is very confusing, dark, heavy and on the same time – amusing. Just like the Goth-Rap forming its way for another modern-based music for the new millennium on freestyle without vocals; this album WillPOWER is strangely cold but having plenty rich beats following the composed tracks like Watching Myself, Darkness, Real Money and Star Power among others and that’s why you will liking Kxngs even though this UK’s Alternative Bass Hip-Hop acts aren’t surely well-known to some until now. 

   Deal the cards but you know that Kxngs already got the ace cause WillPOWER is an album produced by him and the sound actually, freaking great ! 


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