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Infra Aging Riot (Telegram Records Stockholm 2001)


   These Swedish Indie Rock and Folk-Pop group never meant to be forming to copycats Oasis medley sounds of the new Indie Rock movements but even Noel Gallagher himself finally, appreciates this band from Gothenburg really cuts the international bets for being nominated as the Best Alternative Music Awards on Grammy in 2013 and within this third recording release of The Soundtrack of Our Lives (TSOOL)'s album - Behind The Music comes the eagerness and greater physical form of modern measurements on melodies and talented song-written that can be compared to either REO Speedwagon, popper-side of Styx to the best part of the Classic Rock from the late seventies era; collectively grabbed right here for TSOOL to shining their path upon the golden bricks-stones road where the end leads to thus eternal rainbow as well as the psychedelic retro repertoir is coated within sweets and catchy Jangle-Rock and Folk Rock hand in hand walking onto the heavenly park filled with peaceful feelings and dreamy images towards tracks like Sister Surround, In Someone Else's Mind, 21st Century Rip Off to Independent Luxury; reminding us about how old we've become or not even a success can buy the real happiness to fulfilling the emptiness inside your heart.

Wiser talents - Amazing lyrics - Unforgettable record !

Behind The Music:

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