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Miles Love Ballad (Island / Universal 2014)


   Ebba Tove Elsa Nilsson born in Stockholm, Sweden recording her debut album with the help of song-writers like Klas Ahlund, The Struts, Alexander Kronland to Captain Cuts as the beautiful brunette singer known on the stage as Tove Lo using her evolving talents and attractions to gain more attentions from more music lovers especially, those whom loved Electro-Pop or Euro-Indie Romantic themed sounds closer to the talks of relationships, broken-hearted, passion or love within this album called Queen of The Clouds which would not giving most people time for complaining but a well-deserved comparison to the early works of the Pop-Queen legend Madonna; Tove Lo perfectly pushing her balance between soft crispy vocals and the Pop-oriented enclosure atmosphere as her music slowly spreading onto the surrounding wider from her as the belonging spaced sparks is international and the good critics from many music media has giving this record little less than four and a half stars should be an indicator about how amazing this record really turning on not longer after it's releasing date. Like Em Young, Timebomb, Moments, Got Love, Not On Drugs to her latest Habits (Stay High) and the multi-dimension Pop hits Talking Body really firing up Tove Lo's name into one of the breakthrough new artists as her shining stardom might getting brighter in the coming next year like her dreams which finally came through as realization as the results of hardworking and the lucky by fate.

Hold on and listen much carefully ...

Queen of The Clouds:

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