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Believe Cut Down (Nuclear Blast 1999)


   For you all Death fans; this old Classic Progressive Power Metal of Control Denied might giving most of you a tied-up relation of adoration, respect and total metallic burst for the glimpse of the founder of the band Chuck Schuldiner on creating here the first attempts of European-Thrash Metal frequency using the combinations of humanity and social themes on their lyrics and the final and debut album releasing by Control Denied before they're broke-up and gone is The Fragile Art of Existence. Then, you know the rest of continuing story about how Chuck once again build his own extreme music band and becoming forever a legend for this sacred Extreme Metal music in general and the legacy continues. Control Denied's recording might showing how these Tampa, Florida metal heads - drummer Richard Christy, Shannon Hamm and Chuck Schuldiner on guitars, bassist Steve DiGiorgio to the lead singer Tom Aymar productively had recorded more than twenty-six songs for this one but on the first mastering put only eight tracks on the album and mostly, given out their best performance in making the Progressive Metal a real deal as well as the main basic for the next steps for Chuck into the more extreme sounds of his own with Death. The bursting riffs or solid bottom's up magnitude grooves roaring the message lyrics talking about When The Link Becomes Missing (evolution theory leads to self-destruction), Expect The Unexpected; duality of how the planet destroying the dwellers from the inside after the devastating hands of man raping her or Consumed - the reality for anyone that commercialism and capitalism already infiltrating our parts of life even the smallest ones, eating us alive with social phobia or karma slowly taking over our consciousness as it crashed.

Go convincing yourself that you might needed to play this on your stereo-system before you make yourself lost and gone !

The Fragile Art of Existence:

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