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Cerebral Land Forest (JL America 1992)


Doom Snake Cult; there’s no truth reveals from this type of solo project blaspheming non-fictional themes of denouncing god and strongly, build the anthem cults products towards the ego of one man group in this case – Ace Still from Goatlord getting his own hitchhiked possession of Demonic driven Sludge Metal with intense Black Metal and growler vocals suffering the clandestine of the modern world gone bewilder through the eyes of smaller mini-bar bottles of alcohols or the smiling Buddha blessings freaks in the blends of making things sounded more irrelevant and heavier within riff-lording companion as the releasing of the Love, Sorrow, Doom (LSD) would desirably, giving you shitty chills for head-banging harder following the evil incarnated music like Carnival Freak Show or Tribal Séance.

Die world – die in Doom Sludge cracking the air tonight !

Love Sorrow Doom:

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